Proposed Minutes for August 15, 2024 SCC Meeting

The Free New Mexico (FNM) Party State Central Committee (SCC) called a meeting to order at 9:04 PM on Thursday, August 15, 2024. Present at the call to order were the Chair, Vice Chair/Secretary, Treasurer, Affiliate Director, Campaigns Director, and Fundraising Director.

The agenda for the meeting was:

Discuss opportunity for fundraising and make any related motions.

The Chair began the meeting by describing the opportunity to join the Joint Fundraising Committee. There was some discussion about the FNM Party’s current FEC registration status and whether or not that would hinder an attempt to join that fundraising committee. The Treasurer explained that, according to documents available from the FEC, we could not register until we had raised $1000 or more for a federal race.

The Communications Director joined the call during this discussion.

The Treasurer moved to approach the board of the Joint Fundraising Committee and ask about the possibility to pursue membership, and to do so if possible.

There was some discussion about the details of the committee agreement and the timing of possible registration with the FEC if that becomes necessary.

After the discussion, the motion passed unanimously by voice vote.

The Chair then moved to adjourn the meeting. After an announcement by the chair of the Candidate Committee, that motion was passed without objection. The meeting was adjourned at 9:24 PM.