Bylaws of the Free New Mexico Party

 Amended (name change) September 20, 2023 per Proviso to Article I

Article I: NAME

The name of the organization shall be the Free New Mexico Party (hereinafter “the Party.”). The Party shall operate as a Political Action Committee and qualified political party under the laws of the State of New Mexico as permitted and shall be exclusively an affiliate of the National Libertarian Party (hereinafter “the national Party”).


The purpose of the Party is to implement and give voice to libertarian principles, such as those in Article III: Statement of Principles below, throughout the state of New Mexico by:

  1. providing leadership and direction for the Libertarian movement in New Mexico;

  2. communicating the message and positions of the Party;

  3. entering into political information and educational activities;

  4. promoting, chartering, coordinating, and supporting Party affiliates;

  5. growing the Party through attracting and retaining members;

  6. attracting, nominating, and promoting professional, serious Party candidates for political office; and

  7. promoting Libertarian legislation throughout New Mexico.


We, the members of the Free New Mexico Party challenge the cult of the omnipotent state and defend the rights of the individual.

We hold that all individuals have the right to exercise sole dominion over their own lives, and have the right to live in whatever manner they choose, so long as they do not forcibly interfere with the equal right of others to live in whatever manner they choose.

Governments throughout history have regularly operated on the opposite principle, that the State has the right to dispose of the lives of individuals and the fruits of their labor. Even within the United States, all political parties other than our own grant to government the right to regulate the lives of individuals and seize the fruits of their labor without their consent.

We, on the contrary, deny the right of any government to do these things, and hold that where governments exist, they must not violate the rights of any individual: namely, (1) the right to life — accordingly we support the prohibition of the initiation of physical force against others; (2) the right to liberty of speech and action — accordingly we oppose all attempts by government to abridge the freedom of speech and press, as well as government censorship in any form; and (3) the right to property — accordingly we oppose all government interference with private property, such as confiscation, nationalization, and eminent domain, and support the prohibition of robbery, trespass, fraud, and misrepresentation.

Since governments, when instituted, must not violate individual rights, we oppose all interference by government in the areas of voluntary and contractual relations among individuals. People should not be forced to sacrifice their lives and property for the benefit of others. They should be left free by government to deal with one another as free traders; and the resultant economic system, the only one compatible with the protection of individual rights, is the free market.



    1. PARTY CAUCUS MEMBER. A Party Caucus Member is any New Mexico resident who has signed the non-initiation of force statement, which reads “I certify that I do not advocate the initiation of force to achieve political or social goals,” and has met one of the membership dues qualifications enumerated herein.

      1. PARTY CAUCUS MEMBERSHIP DUES. Party Caucus Membership dues are $25/year. All yearly memberships expire on the first of the month following the one-year anniversary of their payment.

      2. PARTY CAUCUS MEMBER CONTACT INFORMATION. Party Caucus Members are required to provide the following information for the use of the party for communication purposes: full mailing address, valid phone number, valid email address and/or a valid cell phone number that can receive SMS/text messages, and consent to receive communication via those means. This information is only to be used for official party business and communication, and is not to be shared, sold or disseminated outside of the State Central Committee and those sub-committees that have a legitimate need for such information.

      3. WAIVER OF MEMBERSHIP DUES. The delegates assembled in Annual Convention may waive any or all of the required payments in recognition of significant work performed for the benefit of the party, including granting Lifetime Party Caucus Membership for extraordinary effort on behalf of the party. No such waiver or grant may be made by the board, State Central Committee, or in special convention.

    2. LIFETIME PARTY CAUCUS MEMBER. Lifetime Party Caucus memberships in the party may be awarded by the Central Committee for donations to the general treasury totaling $500 within a 12-month period, not to include donations to candidate campaigns or special funds.

      1. Only persons signing the non-initiation of force statement, which reads “I certify that I do not advocate the initiation of force to achieve political or social goals.” are eligible to be awarded Lifetime Party Caucus membership.

      2. It shall be the duty of the Secretary to maintain and make secure, a record of all Lifetime Memberships.

      3. The delegates in convention may revoke any lifetime membership.


      1. Membership dues do not confer membership in the national Libertarian Party, which has its own dues.

      2. Membership in the national party is required for national delegates.


    1. DELEGATES TO ANNUAL STATE CONVENTIONS. In order to serve as a delegate to the annual state convention of the party, all Party Caucus memberships must be in place 30 days prior to the Convention date, to allow for the Secretary to validate memberships. All Party Caucus members meeting this requirement and in good standing as of the convention date are automatically qualified, upon attendance, to serve as state convention delegates.

      1. In addition, former Party Caucus members whose dues have lapsed within the 60 days prior to the announcement of an annual convention, shall have a grace period in which to renew their membership by paying dues.

      2. This grace period shall begin upon announcement of the annual convention on the party website, or upon announcement to the membership of the annual convention by email, whichever comes earlier; and the grace period shall end 15 days after the date of posting the announcement of the annual convention to the party website, or the date of the announcement by email, whichever comes later.

      3. Members renewing under the grace period provisions in this section shall be qualified, upon attendance, to serve as delegates at annual conventions.

    2. DELEGATES TO SPECIAL CONVENTIONS. In order to serve as a delegate to a special convention of the party, all Party Caucus memberships must be in place 30 days prior to the Convention date, to allow for the Secretary to validate memberships. All Party Caucus members meeting this requirement and in good standing as of the convention date are automatically qualified, upon attendance, to serve as state convention delegates.

      1. In addition, former Party Caucus members whose dues have lapsed within the 12 months prior to the announcement of a special convention, shall have a grace period in which to renew their membership by paying dues.

      2. This grace period shall begin upon announcement of the special convention on the party website, or upon announcement to the membership of the special convention by email, whichever comes earlier; and the grace period shall end 15 days after the date of posting the announcement of the special convention to the party website, or the date of the announcement by email, whichever comes later.

      3. Members renewing under the grace period provisions in this section shall be qualified, upon attendance, to serve as delegates at special conventions.


  1. Composition of the Board of Directors

    1. The Board of Directors (“Board”) shall consist of the Party Directors. The Party’s State Central Committee (“SCC”) shall consist of the board and the county chairs.

    2. There are eleven (11) Party Directors (“Directors”) positions, as follows: Chair, Vice Chair, Affiliate Development Director, Campaigns Director, Membership Director, Communications Director, Outreach Director, Secretary, Legislative Director, Treasurer, and Fundraising Director.

    3. Any member of the Board may be suspended by vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the current Board. Any member of the Board absent from two (2) consecutive regular meetings of the Board may be suspended at adjournment of the second regular meeting. The Board may, by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the current members, appoint or reinstate Directors if vacancies or suspensions occur. Reinstated or appointed Directors are to serve until the next Convention.

    4. The Board shall have control and management of all the affairs, properties, and funds of the Party consistent with these Bylaws and shall meet in the manner specified in these Bylaws.

  2. Director Elections

    1. Only Convention Delegates eligible to vote may run for a Party Director, and only if they promise to fulfill the requirements of this article.

    2. Except in the case of an appointed Director, the following Directors shall be elected in odd-numbered years, in this order: Chair, Vice Chair, Affiliate Development Director, Campaigns Director, Membership Director, and Communications Director; and the following Directors shall be elected in even-numbered years, in this order: Outreach Director, Secretary, Legislative Director, Treasurer, and Fundraising Director. The election of each Director shall be conducted independently of the others. Such elections shall be conducted by the Delegates to the Convention as provided in these Bylaws, and shall not take effect until adjournment sine die of Business Session of the Convention and the Director-Elect has signed the Statement of Principles of the national Libertarian Party and a statement disavowing the initiation of force to achieve political or social goals. The term of each Director shall be two (2) years or until a successor is elected or appointed.

    3. An appointed Director’s term ends at the adjournment sine die of the Business Session of the next Convention, regardless of year, when an election shall fill either the remainder of the term or the next full term, based on the schedule above.

    4. Director elections shall exclude any Director eliminated upon adjournment sine die of the Business Session of the Convention and shall include any Director created upon adjournment sine die of the Business Session of the Convention, regardless of the year designated for it above, with the term of each Director adjusted to end at the adjournment sine die of the Business Session of the Convention of the designated year.

  3. Director-Specific Duties

    1. The Chair shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the Party, holding the powers of administration pertaining to the ordinary business affairs of the Party and such other powers as may be delegated by the Board, as well as overseeing leadership training and succession planning at all levels within the Party. Unless otherwise specified in the Party’s Bylaws, Special Rules of Order, or resolutions of the Board, the Chair is responsible for appointing the chairs of all committees. The Chair shall call the Convention as specified in these Bylaws. The Chair, or their designee, including other Directors acting within their designated job duties at the direction of the Chair, shall be the person who shall communicate on behalf of the Party. The Chair shall file any amendments to this Bylaws with the Secretary of State within fifteen (15) days after such amendments are adopted.

    2. The Vice Chair shall assist the Chair in the performance of executive duties, act as Chair in the temporary absence of the Chair, and ensure affiliate compliance with requirements enumerated in these Bylaws. The Vice Chair shall also review and test the procedures in each Director’s continuity binders in accordance with the Policy Manual and report the results to the Chair.

    3. The Secretary shall be responsible for maintaining official Party records and shall act as recording secretary for all legal purposes. The Secretary shall maintain a Party calendar of all deadlines required by these Bylaws and the Secretary of State, and shall post these dates within sixty (60) days of their deadlines in accordance with the Party’s Standing Rules and Special Rules of Order. The Secretary shall compile, maintain, and make available to the Board a publication listing all Standing Rules and Special Rules of Order adopted by the Board.

    4. The Treasurer shall be responsible for maintaining accurate records of all income and expenses associated with the operation of the Party and shall present a summary of all income and expenses at each regular meeting of the Board. The income and expense summary may be limited to activity since the last regular meeting of the Board. The Treasurer may also prepare budgets for the other Directors or assist them in preparing their own budgets. The Treasurer shall maintain an efficient double-entry system of accounts.

    5. The Affiliate Development Director shall develop and support affiliates. The Affiliate Development Director may establish and manage committees (including the appointment of any committee chairs) to perform these functions.

    6. The Campaigns Director shall identify political races and recruit candidates. The Campaigns Director shall also coordinate candidates and campaigns, and assist candidates in navigating compliance with campaign legal requirements and in obtaining campaign volunteers. The Campaigns Director may establish and manage committees (including the appointment of any committee chairs) to perform these and other campaign functions.

    7. The Membership Director shall be responsible for developing membership education programs, recruiting and training activists, and publishing a regular internal newsletter. The Membership Director shall also be responsible for managing and accessing membership records for internal party use and coordinating membership data with the national Libertarian Party. The Membership Director may establish and manage committees (including the appointment of any committee chairs) to accomplish these and other membership functions.

    8. The Communications Director shall be responsible for all outward-facing communications, websites, multimedia, social media, press releases, media appearances, and media inquiries. The Communications Director may establish and manage committees (including the appointment of any committee chairs) to accomplish these and other communications functions.

    9. The Outreach Director shall be responsible for booking and running outreach booths and community events, and for maintaining outreach materials. The Outreach Director may establish and manage committees (including the appointment of any committee chairs) to perform these and other outreach functions.

    10. The Legislative Director shall be responsible for monitoring activity in the State Legislature, communicating with that body, developing legislation or issue-oriented committees (including the appointment of any committee chairs), and working with other organizations on areas of mutual concern.

    11. The Fundraising Director shall be responsible for establishing and operating fundraising activities including, but not limited to, the annual Convention, a monthly pledge program, fundraising from Members, coordinating speakers and events for the purpose of Party fundraising, and reporting all income and expenses related to fundraising at each regular Board meeting. The Fundraising Director may establish and manage committees (including the appointment of any committee chairs) to accomplish these and other fundraising functions.

    12. Each Director will be responsible for maintaining documentation within their area, and they will provide a written report to be passed on to their successor. They will not incur expenses beyond budget without approval of the Board.

    13. Each Director shall be an ex-officio member of each Party affiliate’s Board of Directors for the purposes of: upholding the spirit and letter of the Statement of Principles of the National Party; enforcing these Bylaws, and the Rules and Resolutions adopted by the Convention or the State Board; and providing relief in times of distress. Directors shall not be counted in determining the number required for a quorum at an affiliate’s Annual or Board Meetings but may be counted in determining that a quorum is present. Each Director shall actively participate in a meeting of at least one (1) Party affiliate or development group each calendar year.


  1. TIMES OF MEETINGS. The SCC shall convene open meetings at such times and places as may be determined by action of the SCC, by call of the Chair, or by written request of one-third (1/3) or more of the current SCC or three (3) Directors. Notice must be sent to the official email address of each SCC member and posted to the party website, at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to such meeting. The notice shall include the date, time and place (or virtual address) of the meeting, and the proposed agenda. Such meetings shall be called at least once per calendar quarter.

  2. QUORUM. More than one-half (1/2) of the current membership of the Board of Directors shall constitute a quorum at all meetings for the transaction of business, except where a larger vote is required by these Bylaws. County Chairs do not count towards quorum but do count towards determining if any proposition passes or fails. Any SCC member may participate in an SCC meeting or committee meeting by means of electronic communications equipment which allows all persons participating in the meeting to hear or otherwise communicate with each other.

  3. The SCC and its appointed or Bylaws-mandated committees may transact business by electronic communications, as specified by Special Rules of Order adopted by the SCC.

  4. ATTENDANCE. Any Party Caucus Member in good standing may attend any SCC Meetings. An SCC member who will be absent for no more than two (2) meetings a calendar year can appoint any Party Caucus Member in good standing as a Proxy. No Proxy may represent more than one (1) SCC member at any SCC meeting. The SCC member who is being represented by a Proxy must notify the Chair and the Secretary of the substitution.

  5. MINUTES. Minutes of SCC meetings shall be posted by the Secretary to the Party website no later than fifteen (15) days after the meeting. Minutes for the meeting prior shall be approved at each SCC meeting.


  1. Annual conventions shall be held on or about the first weekend in March, or as provided by state law.

  2. In addition to annual conventions, special conventions may be called by a vote of two-thirds of the Board of Directors or upon petition of ten percent (10%) of the Party Caucus Members, for matters required to bring the Party into compliance with state or federal law, or matters of an emergency nature. Special conventions may also be held to nominate candidates for Special Elections. The cost and physical arrangements for special conventions called by petition of the Party Caucus Membership are to be borne by the sponsors of the petition.

  3. The Secretary, or the Convention Committee if one is established by the Board, shall make the following notifications in regard to conventions:

    1. All notices of convention made under this section shall include the date, time and public place where the convention is to be held, the business to be considered, and the requirements for being a convention delegate, membership dues, and the grace period for lapsed members as set down in Article IV: MEMBERSHIP.

    2. Party Caucus Members shall be notified no later than thirty (30) days prior to the convention date, by the preferred means of contact provided by the Party Caucus Member, and additionally by other means determined appropriate by the Secretary.

    3. Concurrent to the notification of Party Caucus Members, the Party website and party-sponsored social media shall be prominently posted with notice of convention, and the requirements for being a delegate.

    4. Convention notices made to members, to the Party website and to Party social media shall include contact information for inquiries regarding delegate credentials. Timely response shall be made to all such inquiries, and every reasonable effort made to facilitate delegate participation.

    5. Notice of the convention shall be made in a newspaper of general circulation in the state if required by state law.

  4. The proposed agenda of conventions shall be approved by the Board at least fifteen (15) days prior to the convention date, and immediately published to the party website and sponsored social media, but in no case later than ten (10) days prior to the convention date. Once the agenda is published under this provision, no changes may be made except by the delegates assembled.

  5. The Chair, Secretary, or a Credentials Committee established by the Board, is empowered to verify the credentials of any delegates.

  6. Each convention shall include a business meeting. Business meetings shall be conducted according to the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order except as otherwise provided by these Bylaws.

  7. No fee may be required of any Party Caucus Member to participate in the Business Session of any Convention; however, fees may be required for participation in other Convention events.

  8. Any required changes to these Bylaws that are made at a Special Convention must be ratified by the next annual Convention, regardless of the year of the Convention, using the same voting threshold required to change the document as provided for in these Bylaws, or else they will be rendered null and void.

  9. Unless ordered by state law, conventions are not permitted to be held electronically.


  1. Members who wish to be a candidate for partisan office in New Mexico other than President or Vice President may submit an application to the Board or its designated committee no later than forty-five (45) days before the Convention. Members shall be notified that the application process is open no later than ninety (90) days before the Convention. A web page for the candidates shall be posted on the Party website at least thirty (30) days before the Convention.

  2. The application shall consist of: 1) a photograph of the candidate; 2) the application form provided by the Board; 3) a biography and a minimum of three (3) issue positions for the web page; 4) filling out any electronic forms required by the Party or the national Libertarian Party; and 5) signing a statement to the effect that they support the Statement of Principles of the national Libertarian Party and a statement disavowing the initiation of force to achieve political or social goals.

  3. Each candidate must have been a Party Caucus Member during the entire period from January 1st of the year of the convention until the nominating convention.

  4. Candidates may be nominated by Delegates to the Convention.

    1. For any partisan offices, convention delegates shall vote by approval voting to nominate candidates for those offices.

    2. Candidates nominated from the floor shall sign a statement that they support the Statement of Principles of the Party and a statement disavowing the use of force to achieve political or social goals.

  5. Candidates may be nominated by a Vacancy Committee designated by the Delegates.

    1. The Vacancy Committee shall operate between Conventions and shall vet candidates as needed.

    2. The Vacancy Committee shall not nominate, for the same race, in the same year, a candidate rejected by a None Of The Above vote in convention.

    3. Candidates nominated by the Vacancy Committee shall sign a statement that they support the Statement of Principles of the Party and a statement disavowing the use of force to achieve political or social goals.

    4. The Board or its designees shall serve as the Vacancy Committee unless the Delegates to the Convention direct otherwise.

  6. In addition to candidates, “None of the Above” (NOTA) shall be a choice on every nomination ballot cast. At no time shall NOTA be removed from the nomination ballot, even under suspension of the Convention Rules. Should NOTA win the nomination for a partisan office, nominations may be reopened for one additional round of voting. Only new candidates are eligible to run on the additional ballot. If NOTA wins on the second ballot, there will be no candidate for that race.

  7. Any Party nominee in a partisan contest where party identification on the ballot is permitted shall use the designation provided by the party. Only candidates nominated by the process set forth in this Article may use this designation. A Party nominee qualifies for campaign assistance from the Party.

  8. The Party, its affiliates, and its elected Directors in their official capacities, either individually or as a group, shall endorse only Party or national Libertarian Party nominees for election to partisan public office.

  9. At any time that any of the Party’s candidates participates in a primary election, the Party shall opt-out of allowing Unaffiliated or other persons who are not Party Members from participation and provide appropriate notice to the Secretary of State’s office as provided by law.


  1. All National Convention Delegates must have been Members for at least ninety (90) days immediately prior to the first day of the Convention in which they are elected, and must sign a statement to the effect that they support the Statement of Principles of the national Libertarian Party.

  2. The SCC shall solicit applications from qualified Members for election as National Convention Delegates and Alternates at least sixty (60) days prior to the Convention and shall publish the completed applications (with addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses redacted) to the Party website at least thirty (30) days prior to the Convention. An application is not required for nomination.

  3. The Party Chair shall announce, at the Annual Convention, the number of National Convention Delegates to be elected by the state Convention Delegates.

  4. Nominations for National Convention Delegates shall be received from the floor with no seconding required. Members may nominate themselves. Each state Convention Delegate in attendance at the state Convention shall cast a single vote for each National Convention Delegate candidate of their choice by submitting a signed ballot prepared by the SCC for this purpose. The total votes cast by each state Convention Delegate shall not exceed the number of National Convention Delegates to be selected. National Convention Delegates shall be elected by a simple majority of the state Convention Delegates voting. Subsequent ballots shall be taken as necessary to fill any remaining National Convention Delegate slots. In the event that there are more candidates receiving a majority vote than there are National Convention Delegate slots to be filled, those candidates receiving the highest vote totals shall be elected. No elections by slate shall be permitted.

  5. After the National Convention Delegates are elected, National Convention Alternates shall be selected by using the same procedure as used for selecting National Convention Delegates.

  6. The Party Chair shall serve as Delegation Chair or may request that the National Convention Delegates select a Delegation Chair. Substitutions shall only be made from the list of National Convention Alternates selected by the state Convention Delegates or afterwards added by a majority vote of the present SCC (provided said National Convention Alternates did not receive a less than majority vote by the last state Convention). Substitutions and selection of additional National Convention Delegates may be made at the National Convention by a majority of the attending National Convention Delegates, provided that such substitutes or additions would have been qualified to be elected at the state Convention, did not receive less than a majority vote at the last state Convention, and have signed a statement to the effect that they support the Statement of Principles of the national Libertarian Party.

  7. For each vote, all National Convention Delegates will sign their physical ballot or submit to the Delegation Chair an accurate list of their electronic ballots. These results will be compiled by the Delegation Chair in a post-National Convention report, which shall be published on the Party website within fifteen (15) days of the conclusion of the national convention. Upon request, within thirty (30) days of the National Convention, National Convention Delegates as they are able shall also report how they voted on particular Bylaws, Convention Rules, and Platform changes. When these reports are made, they shall be promptly published to the Party website.


  1. The Board may charter as affiliates those organizations requesting such status to represent counties, or other geographical entities which combine counties, if requested by affected Members and approved by the Board. There shall be no geographical overlap between affiliates.

  2. Organizations applying for charter as affiliates shall make such applications on a standard petition form as adopted by the Board. The petition shall include ratification of the Statement of Principles of these Bylaws. The petition and the ratification shall be signed by no fewer than five (5) Members.

  3. Every organization so chartered shall submit contact information for their officers/directors, who shall include at least a Chair and a Treasurer, being separate people. They shall maintain at least five (5) Members, and publish their bylaws to those Members, to the State Board of Directors and to the County Clerk(s) for the counties represented.

  4. Each affiliate so chartered shall declare, for the purposes of liaison between the Party and the chartered affiliate, an Affiliate Representative.

  5. Affiliates shall make known to the Board the Affiliate Representative to whom all Party business shall be directed. The Affiliate Representative shall be a Party Caucus Member.

  6. Affiliates shall be chartered for, but shall not be limited to, the following purposes:

    1. nominating candidates for public office;

    2. working to elect Libertarian candidates and to promote Libertarian principles through political information and educational activities; and

    3. selecting representatives to appropriate Party activities.

  7. The Board shall have the power to revoke the affiliate status of any organization by a three-fourths (3/4) vote of the current Board if said organization: supports candidates, policies, or positions inconsistent with the Statement of Principles of the State Party Platform; or fails to hold an annual meeting with at least five (5) Members where officers are elected with contact information and minutes submitted to the State Board of Directors. Thirty (30) days’ notice by certified mail shall be given to the Affiliate Representative of the affected affiliate.

  8. The name of affiliates representing a county shall be the Free Libertarian Party of [County Name] County, or other name as may be approved by the Board.

  9. County Affiliates shall be affiliated exclusively with the Free New Mexico Party.


  1. The Judicial Committee shall consist of five (5) Party Members elected by the Delegates in attendance at every odd-year Convention. In the case of vacancy, the existing members of the Judicial Committee may vote to fill the vacancy until the next election. The term of each Judicial Committee member shall begin at the adjournment sine die of the Business Session of the odd-year Convention and end at the adjournment sine die of the Business Session of the next odd-year Convention.

  2. Members of the State Central Committee shall be ineligible to serve on the Judicial Committee. Judicial Committee members must have been Members or Members of the National Libertarian Party for the past three (3) years, and shall have signed the Statement of Principles of the national Libertarian Party and a statement disavowing the initiation of force to achieve political or social goals.

  3. The Chair of the Judicial Committee shall be elected by the members of the Committee.

  4. The Judicial Committee shall be limited to hearing and deciding appeals involving the following: suspensions or other disciplinary actions, disaffiliation of chartered affiliates, Board or State Central Committee decisions, and challenges to resolutions or platform planks.

  5. Only Party Caucus Members may present an appeal to the Judicial Committee. All appeals must be in writing, submitted to the Chair of the Judicial Committee within thirty (30) days of the disputed decision.

  6. All appeals shall be resolved within sixty (60) days of the date of submission to the Chair of the Judicial Committee. The Chair of the Judicial Committee must present all requests for appellate review to the Committee within five (5) days of receipt. The Committee shall then have five (5) days to decide whether or not to hear the appeal, with the agreement of two (2) or more Judicial Committee members being sufficient to hold a hearing. The Committee Chair shall then schedule this hearing to be held within thirty (30) days with at least ten (10) days’ notice to the Membership and all involved parties. Hearings may be virtual or in-person. The Committee may require written briefs or arguments from the Appellants or Respondents, and may decide to hold additional hearings. Any Party Caucus Member may attend any hearing and submit written briefs or arguments to the Committee which may be considered at the Committee’s discretion.

  7. All rulings of the Judicial Committee must be in accordance with these Bylaws.

  8. A verdict must be reached within five (5) days of the adjournment of the hearing. A report of the case and its verdict must be uploaded to the Party website within two (2) business days.


  1. BYLAWS AND PLATFORM COMMITTEE. The Bylaws Committee and the Platform Committee shall each consist of five (5) at-large Members selected by the SCC and an additional Member selected by each chartered affiliate. Only Party Caucus Members are eligible to serve on these committees.

The SCC shall solicit applications for the members of the Bylaws Committee as well as the Platform Committee and set the appointment date for these positions by announcement to all Party Caucus Members at least six (6) months prior to the convention at which amendments to the Platform and Bylaws are considered. The SCC shall appoint five (5) at-large Members at a SCC meeting held at least one (1) month after the final solicitation, but no later than four (4) months prior to the convention at which amendments to the Platform and Bylaws are considered. If any subsequent vacancies occur in the initially-appointed, at-large positions, the SCC may select Members to fill the vacancies. The SCC shall select the committee Chairs from the members of each committee.

Each chartered affiliate may appoint one (1) Member to each committee. Should an affiliate not appoint a committee member, the SCC may appoint an additional at-large Member at the time of committee formation. The SCC shall solicit one (1) committee member from each chartered affiliate on the same schedule implemented by the SCC pursuant, and at its meeting for appointment of the members of the committees it shall confirm such committee members. If a committee member appointed by an affiliate resigns from a committee or fails to attend two (2) consecutive committee votes, the affiliate may appoint a replacement.

Committees shall submit their final reports to the SCC for publication to the Party Caucus Membership no later than six (6) weeks before the convention. These reports shall be available in their complete form to any Party Caucus Member upon request. The Party Chair shall ensure that the committees’ reports, and any reports of committee members submitted separately, are presented at the convention.

  1. OTHER COMMITTEES. Such other committees, standing or special, shall be appointed by the SCC or convention delegates shall from time to time deem necessary to carry out the work of the Party.

  2. NATIONAL COMMITTEE REPRESENTATIVES AND ALTERNATES. Representatives and alternates to national Party committees and subcommittees, excluding Regional Representatives and Alternates to the Libertarian National Committee, shall be elected by one of the following methods: If the number of representatives to National Party committees is known at the time of the convention and the committees are to convene after the convention, the convention delegates shall elect the committee representatives and alternates in the same manner as and immediately after the election of national convention delegates; otherwise the SCC shall elect the committee representatives.


The rules contained in the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern the Party in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these Bylaws, any Standing Rules, and any Special Rules of Order the Party or the SCC of Directors may adopt.


  1. Dissolution of the party shall require a two-thirds vote of the delegates in annual convention.

  2. Amendment of this Article shall require a two-thirds vote of the delegates in annual convention.


  1. AMENDMENT OF BYLAWS. These Bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the delegates to an annual or state convention, provided the amendment is included in the annual report or a minority report of the Bylaws Committee, or written notice including the formal language of the amendment and signed by two (2) Party Caucus Members is provided to the SCC at least thirty (30) days prior to the convention. Such notice shall be posted to the Party’s website within two (2) business days of receipt.

  2. AMENDMENT OF STATEMENT OF PRINCIPLES. The Statement of Principles contained within these Bylaws, or this section can only be amended by a vote of 7/8 of delegates at an annual convention with the exception of renumbering or other sheerly technical changes.

  3. AMENDMENT OF STATE PLATFORM. The Party may adopt or amend, by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the delegates to the annual convention, a Platform stating its position on all political issues affecting the state or any constituent entity thereof, provided the amendment is included in the annual report or a minority report of the Platform Committee, or written notice including the formal language of the amendment and signed by two (2) Party Caucus Members is provided to the SCC at least thirty (30) days prior to the convention. Such notice shall be posted to the Party’s website within two (2) business days of receipt.


If any Article, Section, or Clause of these Bylaws is to any extent determined to be invalid, illegal, or incapable of being enforced, such Article, Section, or Clause shall be excluded only to the extent of such invalidity, illegality, or unenforceability; all other Articles, Sections, and Clauses hereof shall remain in full force and effect, and to this end the provisions of these Bylaws are declared to be severable.

PROVISO to Article I: Name

Article I is adopted with the proviso that the Party’s SCC can amend the Party’s name with a 2/3 vote if required by law, other legal issues, ballot access, and/or to qualify as a political party in New Mexico. The SCC can also change the Party’s name to Libertarian Party of New Mexico with same conditions if and when legally permitted. If the new name does not contain the words “Libertarian” or “Liberty,” approval of the Libertarian National Committee will be required. This change must take place at a properly noticed regular or special meeting. This proviso is not intended to restrict the rights of delegates to amend these Bylaws to rename the Party to a name of their choosing if properly noticed to be heard at an annual or special convention.

PROVISO to Article IV: Party Membership

The requirement that one must have fully paid dues in order to be a Party Caucus Member is waived until January 1, 2023, provided the member has pledged to pay their dues by that date. All National Party members residing in New Mexico as of the time of the notice for this organizing convention are entitled to vote for amendments to the Bylaws and elections of Party Directors at this organizing convention regardless of any pledge to pay Party Caucus Membership dues. With the exception of the above-qualified National Party members, any person voting on Party leadership at this organizing convention in addition must be a New Mexico registered Libertarian on this date.

PROVISO to Article 5: Directors

Only the Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer shall be elected at the organizing convention and will then be treated as if they were appointed to the positions and thus will all be up for election again at the March convention. These elections may be done by voice vote. The organizing convention chair shall serve until adjournment sine die of the organizing convention.

PROVISO to Article VII: Conventions

The prohibition against electronic conventions does not apply to this organizing convention.