Proposed Minutes for August 6, 2024 SCC Meeting

The Free New Mexico (FNM) Party State Central Committee (SCC) called a meeting to order at 7:04 PM on Tuesday, August 6, 2024. Present at the call to order were the Chair, Vice Chair/Secretary, Treasurer, Affiliate Director, Campaigns Director, Communications Director, and Legislative Director.

The agenda for the meeting was:

  1. Ratify the last meeting minutes
  2. Ratify with a vote on the 5 Electors
  3. Discuss the creation of new committees to handle business that results from our official party status, such as candidates and membership drives.

The list of electors was: Bret Konsavage, Richard Gurry, Elizabeth Honce, Rudolph Kohn, and Dereck Scott. The Vice Chair moved to ratify the list without amendments. After some discussion and explanation of what the Elector position means, the motion passed without objections.

Then there was some discussion about meeting attendance and the formation of a membership drive committee and a candidate committee.

The Chair moved to create a Candidate Exploration Committee. After some discussion, the Vice Chair moved to amend the name to “Candidate Committee” in order to give it a wider scope for the present. That amendment passed with no objections. Then, following some more discussion, Bret Konsavage volunteered as a potential committee chair for that committee.

The Chair moved to amend the motion to include the appointment of Bret as chair of the Candidate Committee (if it is created). There was no dissent or objections to that motion, and it passed unanimously.

After the amendments, there was a roll-call vote on the motion as amended. The motion passed unanimously. Several members of the SCC offered to help with the operation of the Candidate Committee: Elizabeth Honce, Richard Gurry, and Rudolph Kohn.

Then, after some more discussion, the Chair moved to ratify the July 7, 2024 proposed minutes. There were no objections, and the motion passed.

The Chair then opened the floor for any other motions or business. The Fundraising Director joined the call and there was some discussion, but no further motions.

Finally, the Chair moved to adjourn the meeting. The motion passed without objection or comment, and the meeting was adjourned at 7:44 PM.