Proposed Minutes for 9 August 2023 Meeting

The Free Libertarian Party of New Mexico (FLPNM) State Central Committee (SCC) called a meeting to order at 7:10 PM on August 9, 2023. The members of the SCC present at the call to order were the Vice Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, Legislative Director, Outreach Director, and Campaigns Director. Also present were three members of the Judicial Committee: Jacob Ashcraft, Nathan Shocklee, and Lynn Pinedo.


Election of new Chair of the FLPNM

The Vice Chair moved to suspend the agenda. After some discussion, there was a vote by raising hands, with 6 in favor and none opposed. The Vice Chair then moved to hear from the Judicial Committee regarding a Bylaws issue that had been raised during an earlier meeting of some SCC members with LP National. Specifically, the issue was the question of whether the Vice Chair automatically takes the Chair position upon resignation of the Chair.

The Judicial Committee had seen an examination of the Bylaws and associated rules from Robert’s Rules by the Secretary. That examination can be found at this hyperlink, with proper citations of the Bylaws and Robert’s Rules. The conclusion of the Judicial Committee was that, upon the resignation of the Chair, the Vice Chair automatically becomes Chair. Based on this decision by the Judicial Committee, the Vice Chair took the office of Chair of the FLPNM.

The Chair then moved to amend the suspended agenda, to change the word “Chair” in the agenda to “Vice Chair.” After some discussion, including a request from the Campaigns Director to table the agenda until a later meeting to find appropriate candidates, there was a vote by raising of hands for the amendment to the agenda and it passed unanimously.

The Campaigns Director then moved to table the agenda item “Election of new Vice Chair of the FLPNM” to a later date. After some discussion, this motion was voted on by raising of hands and passed unanimously.

The Chair then opened the floor for public comment. Elisheva Levin, who has experience from service on the Judicial Committee of the Libertarian Party of California, offered assistance to the FLPNM.

After public comment closed, the Secretary moved to adjourn the meeting. There was no opposition to the motion, and the FLPNM SCC adjourned at 7:34 PM.