The Free New Mexico (FNM) Party State Central Committee (SCC) called a meeting to order at 7:05 PM on Wednesday, January 17, 2024. The members present were the Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, Legislative Director, Campaigns Director, and Communications Director.
The agenda was:
1) Read proposed minutes from Nov. 29, 2023 meeting
2) Report from Signature Drive Committee
3) Discuss filling vacancy on the Board (Affiliate Dir.)
4) Discuss planning for State Convention
5) Discuss reaction to governor’s gun control push
6) Allocate money for room for lobbying
The Secretary read the proposed minutes from the November 29, 2023 meeting.
The Chair of the Signature Drive Committee reported on the current situation. The discussion included issues with conflicting answers from the Secretary of State regarding separating different counties’ signatures on multiple sheets, the possibility of hiring people to get signatures, and the production of promotional materials for the drive.
The Vice Chair and Fundraising Director joined the call during this discussion.
The Chair made a motion to enlist the efforts of the entire SCC on the signature drive. The motion passed by voice vote unanimously.
The Chair then began discussion on filling the SCC vacancy of the Affiliate Director. The Chair made a motion to send out an email seeking candidates. After some discussion, the Vice Chair made a motion to table this issue until a later date. The motion to table passed with a voice vote, 7 to 1.
The SCC then began to discuss the planning for the State Convention. The Secretary moved to create a Convention Committee, and, after some discussion, that motion passed unanimously by voice vote. Discussion continued regarding the details of convention venue and other related topics. The Chair nominated the Fundraising Director as the Chair of the Convention Committee, and the Fundraising Director accepted the nomination. The nomination passed unanimously by voice vote.
The SCC then moved to discuss the governor’s recent gun control legislation push. There was some discussion, during which the Vice Chair left the meeting. Several possible avenues of action were suggested. The Secretary moved to send an email to the membership regarding the rally on February 3rd, 2024, in Santa Fe. The motion passed unanimously by voice vote.
The Chair then brought up some minor issues regarding some official emails ending up in spam folders. The Chair moved to adjourn, and the motion was paused by a call for information about running candidates by the Fundraising Director. After the point of information was clarified, the motion to adjourn passed with no objections. The meeting adjourned at 8:53 PM.
These minutes were approved at the meeting on February 7, 2024.